This year feels like a punch in the gut that won't go away. I really doubt I will find a job in the remainder of 2009 and some part of me is so ready for it to be over. I'm exhausted. I'm at some crossroads that I feel I've been at for years...waiting for something to push me in one direction or another. I just need to get on with...something. And some part of me feels like packing it all in and heading for Baton Rouge. But I can't bring Mabel. The airlines have made it so difficult and expensive to travel a large dog. It costs $1000! So Mabel will be staying here when I finally do head home. And that breaks my heart but, I so need a trip out of LA and I don't have the $$$ to go anywhere else but home. So until I leave in December, I'll just keep fantasizing about what was the best day of 2009....Mabel's day at the ocean:

I understand, but I've always felt that any trip involving more than two or three hours in the cargo hold of a plane is too much to ask of any pet. Too bad gas is too expensive for you to drive.
Janet, I drug her...she sleeps and is fine and if you could see her running around my mom's huge yard and playing every day with the cousins she adores...not to mention the human little cousins! OY! She's so happy! And that's not even mentioning Granny's 24 hour buffet! Mabel is in heaven! I've always felt it was worth is and she loves being with us. Home alone, she sulks, barks too much, doesn't get much exercise etc.
Travel is the best option.
So, you're taking her along?
Janet, no... I can't afford $1000 for that and believe me my heart is broken. I hate leaving her behind!
I guess I should have said travel is the best option IF it were affordable.
It's finally hit the place where the 24 hour babysitter is cheaper than a plane ticket! (for her).
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