Hey there! With Mom out of town, I'm a little bored being by myself most of the day. And since it will be ten whole days til she gets back home, I thought it would be fun to hijack the blog and post 10 of my favorite Christmas wishes.
On the first day of Christmas, Miss Mabel is dreaming of...
Ice cream.
P.S. I'm not sure I can figure out Mom's email so your comments may take a while to appear...
I'm sure you'll get your wish! what's your favorite flavor?
Musings on life, lampwork glass beads, rubber stamps, and all sorts of crafty things. ********************** Old fashioned Southern Belle (yeah, we still exist) whose greatest joy is the daily hikes with my dog. I make food safe rubber stamps (combining the love of baking and stamping) and also make lampwork beads and sell jewelry. In my spare time, I write for tv and other clients and dabble in web development. Email Creekhiker
I'm sure you'll get your wish! what's your favorite flavor?
Love, B & G
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