Saturday, April 28, 2007

Puny Girls

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If you want to know why this message is at the top of every post, read this post.

Mabel and I have both been under the weather for days now. She has diarrhea. I've triple checked her food and it's not on the recall lists. My vet has me cooking chicken soup for her. Other than her tummy growling and incessant searches for fresh grass sprouts in our winter dry backyard, she is her usual happy self.

I came down with strep Thursday. The Godson had a very severe strain and I'm the lucky one he passed it on to. Other than antibiotics and lots of sleep, I'm my usual silly self...just really tired.

Hopefully, I'll be bouncing back in a few days. Lots going on that I can't wait to share.


Annie said...

I'm sorry you're sick and hope you will bounce back soon. Meanwhile, have a little of that chicken soup yourself.

Best wishes, Creekwalker.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes that you and Mabel are back 100% the soonest! The crew and I here will be thinking about you and sending thoughts of health.

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Thanks everyone. I'm better but Mabel is still sick. I'm starting to get worried.

Annie said...

Poor Mabel needs to go outside often, to the Poo Ping Palace.

Anonymous said...

I remember the Poo Ping Palace - it's been gone so long. But what a great name!''

Feel better soon, Holly and Mabel.

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Annie, Too funny. I wasn't even thinking that when I left the message on your blog.

Karen, It was gone long before I moved to this neck of the woods... but I LOVE that the sign is still there. Makes me laugh every time I drive by.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better, Holly. And hope that Mabel is, too, by the time you get this.

Linda@VS said...

I'm a few days late getting here, Holly, but I hope you and Mabel are on the mend. Strep throat is no fun! diarrhea. Keep us posted.

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Velvet, Mabel is back in the saddle... I'm still hit and miss.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're better! Strep is no fun, I've had it.