Friday, July 06, 2012

Viscious Black & White Kitty

I've spent a lot of time on my own blog lately... rereading this post.

Yes, Mabel has been playing with the nasty black and white kitteh at the creek! Actually BART has! Riddle me this: How does Bart sees skunk + Bart chases skunk + Bart barks at skunk = Mabel gets sprayed????

I heard his strange barking as the dogs has run on ahead to a favorite swimming hole. I called them both as I ran toward the entrance where I found Mabel running back to Momma! She was kinda freaked. I phoned Bart's Mom as we walked back. We were a good 75 yards down stream from the incident when suddenly there's the skunk again, tail UP!

I leashed up Mabel and had the hardest time with Bart... he wanted no part of the skunk but he knew he didn't want to be near Mabel!  After a gag inducing drive home, I knew the drill. But not the proportions! Thank goodness I wrote the recipe down.

One soaking of the baking soda / peroxide / Dawn +
One thorough soaking of Skin So Soft and another soaking of the baking soda+
One Hairy Beast shampoo+

and she's "almost" skunk free!  There is a faint hint of it and I'm sure there will be for a month or so.

My poor baby!


Millie and Walter said...

Poor baby and poor mom! I'm happy to report that we have never had such an encounter with our pups and the evil black & white kitty.


Erika said...

oh, yuck! I hope I never have to test out that recipe.

Raising Addie said...


Sounds like you have the recipe down. We will have to make note of that just in case we ever meet one. Poor Mabel :(

Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie, Lucie and Hailey

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Poor Mabel - we hope the pretty girl is smelling like a rose by now:) That is one of Mom's worst fears with us - she wants to part of trying to soap up and rinse our think furs.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning