Monday, January 26, 2009

One World, One Heart

{Edited 1:296 pm PST: Don't forget! There are two here and one on the bead blog!}


I am participating in the One World, One Heart giveaway on BOTH my blogs. First, about One World, One Heart, created by artist Lisa Swifka

The common denominator in blogging is that we all have stories to tell...We can be inspired or inspire others by finding a blog and taking the time to read/see someones story. Often times a spark happens....this palpable spark of recognition through kindred understanding and shared passions in life. It is in those times when we take a moment to comment and comment again.......when those comments are reciprocated a discovery is made that we share commonolaties which connect us sight unseen. Sometimes we may live on separate continents or at either end of the same country or even discover you hail from the same general area. By paying attention, by connecting with others, we are creating a circle of amazing individuals who can literally enhance our lives and we can enhance theirs.

In the first 2 years of hosting OWOH I came away with an amazing sense of how genuinely good people are and how open their hearts are. I've read blogs where since they participated as a fairly new blogger made connections that swaps began, shared stories and so on built to a genuine friendship. That makes my heart sing as that is precisely the goal here.

The giveaway portion is like hosting an open if we were all living in this gigantic neighborhood where once a year we visit homes to meet, reacquaint and get to know one another. At each home there are samplings of goodies that you have a chance to take home like a door prize. You leave your name and at some point each home choses a winner or winners......and now you not only have met a new "neighbor" and you've seen where they have something that someone lovingly chose to give..... AND visa versa.

What you'll win: One of my lampworked off mandrel hearts (photo of both sides of the bead below) AND a slider chain in your choice of silver or gold tone (available in 18 and 24 inch lengths)

This heart reflects my recent obsession with pink and chocolate and is one of my favorites. All my beads are kiln annealed for strength and durability.

To win: Simply leave a comment. If you are not a blogger, please leave an email so that I may get in touch with you if you win. Drawing Feb 12.
And... in the spirit of One World, One Heart, I have a a give away on my other blog too! You may enter both contests!

And don't forget to check out the One World, One Heart blog for lists of over 600 participating blogs! You may find a new blogger to connect with!


Anonymous said...

your beads are beautiful
please add me to your drawing
if you get the chance drop by mine
carolyn h

Talking Horses Arts said...

Ooh beautiful..please enter me!!I love your creations!!

ch said...

I think I'm number 1! What a pretty heart.

please visit my giveaway too

Mahala said...

Beautiful hearts!

Lelia said...

What a beautiful heart! Great Giveaway!

Digital Misfit said...

Wonderful heart beads! I would love be the lucky winner of such beautiful wearable art.
Yay @ you for being the 600th OWOH particpant this year! How fabulous is that? So many talented and loving bloggers!

Pop by my blog over at for a visit and to enter my OWOH giveaway too!

hugs from ON, Canada

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your blog giveaway is wonderful and very appropriate for the theme of event. I enjoyed looking around your blog.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com

Unknown said...

Wow! YOu're OWOH # 600 participant! Isn't that cool? Your bead is beautiful! Love the pink, love the heart! It's all good.

If you would like a chance to win some hand tatted lace during your OWOH gypsy caravan travels then hop on over to my blog. OWOH 118 :)

Sandy McTier Designs said...

Those hearts are beautiful! Please enter me and make sure to come on over and enter mine if you haven't already.

Anonymous said...

What a great job , Lovely beads! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!
Bleubabe at aol dot com

Judy said...

These hearts are beautiful. Please add me to your drawing. And scritches to the Rottie!

Thanks for participating.

The Odd Bird said...

Your beads are just gorgeous. Please add me to your drawing. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Great give away, please count me in

Anonymous said...

I LOVE brown and pink. As a child I actually picked out brown plaid wall paper for my bedroom - can you believe that? Crazy. Your beads are much prettier than my wallpaper was. ; ) I would love to win one of them!
Cheers - Jenny in TX

donna joy said...

count me in~

SpiritMama said...

What sweet hearts!
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

AlwaysInspired said...

Such gorgeous beads! Please add me to the draw!

Robin said...

very pretty
robin krieger

stampgram said...

I love these heart cool. Please enter me in your drawing.

I am participating too...#563 please stop by to see my offerings.

sandee said...

Beautiful beads...Count me in, PLEASE!!!

And if you haven't done so already, please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway:


Joanne Huffman said...

Beautiful glasswork! Please enter me in your drawing. And, I invite you to visit my blog
and enter mine.
~ Joanne

Jenna Z said...

I just love the colors in that last bead! Really gorgeous!

Jodi said...

What absolutely beautiful hearts! Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Wow you are very generous! - giveaways on both of your blogs! Again - come visit me if you have not yet.

Jan Thomason said...

Again, gorgeous!! I love your work.
Thank you for the opportunity to enter "twice":)


†Gerri said...

wonderful, please enter my name.

Mary said...

So, so beautiful! You are an amazing artist. I can't imagine working with glass like that, it takes a different vision to imagine the solid creation out of molten materials. Please enter me in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Please count me in for a chance to win this heart! I'm hosting OWOH too, drop by if you have the chance!

ThisThisAndThat said...


I’d love to be entered into your “One World – One Heart” giveaway…

I’m also participating in OWOH, so feel free to stop by my blog and enter to win some goodies from me as well.


Re said...

I'm having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year.

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

Janice said...

Beautiful- and very generous of you to offer on 2 blogs!

Unknown said...

Your giveaway is awesome! Please count me in.

Jenn Milt Art said...

beautiful heart!!

please enter me and feel free to enter my giveaway, i'm 486.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Beautiful! Please enter me! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Just as beautiful as the one on your other blog!
Eileen in NYC

carylsrealm said...

scrumptious work! Please include moi! And stop by my OWOH!

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

Cool! Please add my name.
Patricia :o)

Sue said...

Beautiful beads. Please enter me in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

yes, please! enter me on this blog, too!

Anonymous said...

Your glasswork is wonderful! I love glass beads and am amazed at how lovely yours are. Please add my name to your draw box. I would be thrilled to own one of your hearts.
Carol :)

GraceBeading said...

Two blogs? Double the glass, double the hearts? I'm in!

Thanks for the chance,
Participant #19

Ragamuffin Gal said...

Gorgeous beads ~ I would love to be entered in your drawing! Please come by and enter into mine as well. Blessings, Katie

s hyler said...

What wonderful hearts, so pretty. It is so nice to meet you during this event.
Have a wonderful day.

Sara said...


Please enter me in your drawing and do drop by mine - #405 on the list...

Letha Richardson said...

Lovely hearts! I am would be thrilled to have a chain with one of these hearts hanging from it :0)
Please include me in the drawing.
I am also #553 on the OWOH project or you can check out my blog at

jjwiskus said...

A lady after my own heart
please enter my name
check me out at light my torch

Rosa said...

I love this. So very pretty. Please count me in!

Janice said...

The heart is beautiful. Please enter me in your giveaway.

uniquecommodities said...

Count me in! Feel free to enter my OWOH give away. I am #319 on the main blog

Shoozles said...

I am so addicted to glass so glad I found you.

Please visit me as well

Tina Leavy said...

oh how very nice. please enter my name in the drawing. thanks for the opportunity. stop by and visit my blog too when you get a chance

Jona Panesa said...

so beautiful. please enter me in your drawing.

Kelly Snelling said...

it is so exciting to read all the posts and then see what the artist has made with her hands to share with the blogger world. your heart bead is so beautiful. i would be pretty darn thrilled to win one. happy one world one heart!

Saskia said...

I was just hopping from one blog to another. And so I discovered OWOH!! Great, sharing creativity all over the world!! And so... I created my own blog this week...for all of you...feel free to take a look at my cards and atc's!

You have a great giveaway!! Such a wonderful bead...

Someone, somewhere.. will be very happy with it... I can only dream it's me :)!!

Greetings from Belgium,


jojoebi-designs said...

they are so beautiful, like chocolate and cream, yum!
please pop my name in your hat then come over and enter in mine if you haven't already done so

Alexandra said...

Wonderful giveaway. Please add my name. Have a nice day. Alexandra

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Precious! Please add my name to your drawing! Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too! I’d love to see you there.

Karen 's World said...

Oh your beads are so unique and beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us!

Sherry Goodloe said...

Beautiful - absolutely beautiful!
Please enter me in your OWOH giveaway. And when you get a chance,(if you haven't done so already)come enter my giveaway as well. I'm #73 GOT ART?

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

What stunning lampwork hearts! I would love to enter your giveaway! If you have a moment, please stop by and enter my drawing, too! =)

Cape Cod Rambling Rose said...

What stunning lampwork hearts! I would love to enter your giveaway! If you have a moment, please stop by and enter my giveaway, too! =)

Kathy said...

Beautiful, thanks for the chance to win. Please come see my offering #577 on the gypsy caravan.

Anonymous said...

This is my first time participating in OWOH. I'm # 622.

I would love the chance to win your art.

fionakcrawford (at) gmail (.) com

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

I'm in, I'm in!

marcy said...

I decided to double my chances and post on both blogs. This is fun, isn't it?


Patti G. said...

Oh, what a beautiful bead! Please count me in and if you haven't ,come play at my blog too!

Amberella said...

Thanks again!

amberella007 @

free indeed said...

This is quite different from the norm and just the thing to spark interest! Thanks for opening this up to everyone.

Unknown said...

I love it, its so pretty! Thanks for entering me!
unforgetable_dreamer_always (AT) hotmail (DOT) com

Beth M said...

Lovely heart! Please enter me in your giveaway.

Heidi Jo said...

Beautiful! Please count me in!

Dragonlady said...

That heart stone is beautiful, I love the mingled colors and the swirl effect..

Marilyn said...

Hello, again, Holly:)
Oh my, this one is beautiful too! Please enter my name. Thanks very much!

Tami said...

SO BEAUTIFUL!! Please count me in! Thank you so much.

Sam said...

what a pretty heart - I would love to dangle one around my neck! :-)

Anonymous said...

What an awesome heart. I just love hearts - don't we all. Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Birgit said...

And another beautiful heart -- irresistible! :)

Greetings from Munich,

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Your beads are beautiful! Thank you so much for a chance at this lovely heart!

MaricrisG said...

was just on your other blog. Please enter me here too! Thanks!


Jenn Klee said...

Hearts are just delightful! Drop by my blog for my giveaway.

Anonymous said...

What a great beads you have made. I especially love the last one with its little dewdrop.


trisha too said...

this whole OWOH thing is feeding my bead sickness . . .

yours ARE lovely, by the way!

thank you for participating in OWOH.
owoh #177
easily amused, hard to offend

trisha too said...

this whole OWOH thing is feeding my bead sickness . . .

yours ARE lovely, by the way!

thank you for participating in OWOH.
owoh #177
easily amused, hard to offend

SuseADoodle said...

this bead is as awesome as your other one! please oh please i would LOVE to win one of them. :-)

Have a Great OWOH Blog-Hop!

"Suse Bee"

mindy said...

very pretty and most unique thanks for the giveaway


very nice- please include me

~*~Patty S said...

Hello ~ I would Love the chance to be the lucky winner of your lovely glass heart giveaway.

Thank you!

You can find me at OWOH#122

Dottie said...

I really hope I win this one...thanks for joining the caravan!

Please add me to the list of entries and if you have a chance, please visit my blog and giveaway (#669) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

at last.......guilt free chocolate!


nfmgirl said...

How nice! Please include me in your drawing, and thank you for having such a wonderful giveaway!

Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am also participating in OWOH and would love for you to stop by. #223 :-)

Mary-Beth said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog, it's lovely to meet you! Your heart beads are gorgeous and I'd love to win one! Please count me in!!!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

How pretty! Thank you for the chance to win.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Very pretty heart and I'd LOVE to wear it. Hope I win. ;D
Thank you,
Barb in TX

Erika Powell said...

they are very pretty. please enter me.

Shai Williams said...

What a beautiful bead! Please enter my name in your contest!


Anonymous said...

Your lampwork hearts are beautiful and one needs to be hanging around my neck so all my friends can also admire your creativity.

Thanks for participating in OWOH!!


Ann said...

What a great giveaway! Please add my name, and if you haven't already, stop by and enter my giveaway, too (#71).

cox_cchs AT hotmail DOT com

Corrine said...

What fantastic beads you make, Please put my name down and come visit me too #524

dreameyce said...

BEAUTIFUL! Purple is my favorite color, and I love hearts :) Thanks for offering this! The winner will be VERY lucky!

I'm giving away an otter pin for OWOH, feel free to enter! :)

My blog is

Pike said...

Beautiful! Please enter me in the drawing!

Pirjo from Finland

Kathy said...

So pretty.I love it!!!! I want to win it!!!!!!

I would love to enter (and hopefully win) your drawing!
Please drop by my blogs if you get the chance:

cowgirltazz said...

What a beautiful heart. Thank you for the chance to win it.

Annmarie said...

What a lovely, lovely heart. I would be proud to wear it! How creative you are. Thanks for participating. annmarie (

Made by Melissa said...

What a stunning heart! I would love to have a chance to win it!

Please stop my blog and enter my OWOH giveaway too:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work. Please enter my name in your drawing. Thank you.

Renee said...

your hearts are beautiful. Renee

Altered Route said...

Just LOVE your giveaways!
Please toss my name into the hat for the drawing of these lovely prizes.
Also, please stop in over at my place to check out my giveaway...


Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Your heart pendant is gorgeous!!! Please count me in!

Stephanie said...

They are BOTH simply beautiful!! What a great giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing.

#813 on the caravan!

Nikki said...

Beautiful glasswork!

Latharia said...

Oh, please enter me! :D I was so excited to see your 2nd blog ... I hope it's okay that I enter both places! :D

Franny said...

This is such a lovely heart! I would love to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before so after seeing so many wonders, I became a participant!

I am so amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Come and visit me on Picklebeans or email me at:

Nancy Markosky said...

Your lampworked hearts are beautiful and I would love to wear one. I am amazed by the creativity that is showcased on all these blogs. Please enter my name to your generous drawing. Thank you-Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hello from Northern Alberta Canada. What lovely hearts. Please add my name to your draw.Thanks.
bigsister_val at hotmail dot com

Sarah Z said...

Love this! The colors are beautiful!
believedreamcourage (at)

herblady said...

Lovely bead. I read about your contest on your website, so please count me in! Thank you very much!

hrbeck_98 (at) yahoo (dot) com

wendy wallach said...

please enter me!

madamerkf at aol dot com

Kimberly Hellams said...

I love it. Please include me in you drawing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Holly!!
I am so glad that you joined! I have been a fan of your beautiful beads for a while..You are so talented:)

Francine Cronos said...

Beautiful. What an amazing giveaway.

Bethel of Bethania said...

I love your Giveaways & would love to be included please…
Do pop on over to My Place [if you haven’t already] & see what I’ve got to giveaway too[# 768 in the Gypsy Caravan]… OOroo … Bethel … Down Under

Sarahlé said...

How gorgeous! I LOVE glass beads.. Please count me in, I would be delighted to wear it :)
Many thanks to you, have a nice day


Sophie said...

Beautiful heART. Would love a chance to win.
Sophie in Montreal, Canada

Lisa said...

your beads are so yummy.. i love pink and chocolate together too! please add me to your drawing!

RedPanties said...

2 Hearts are better than one!

Tumbleweed Trails said...

What lovely beadwork you do. I love the marbled look. Gott go check out your Etsy shop. Thank you for participating in the wonderful giveaway. Please enter my name into your drawing. It would be such a delight and honor to win. Jody

artbeckons said...

Very pretty! Please include me in your drawing =) OWOH #433

AngieHallHaviland said...

What a FUN event this is….making friends through ART is always WONDERFUL!! Please enter me in your drawing!!

Please stop by my blog, if you'd like :O)

Sugar and Spice Art Confections said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your heart pendants/beads!
Please visit me at:


Fannie said...

Hi, Creek Hiker. Nice to meet you. Would love to win one of your heart pendants. Lovely!!! Please enter me in your drawing.

I'm #789. Come visit me.

Aloha from Texas,

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

I would love to win one of your hearts! Your site is so beautiful. I would love to win your prize. After this is all over I’m going to spend more time viewing every ones. Please stop at my site too. I’m giving away my new book “16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood.” I will personally sign it for you.


Barbara #830

Margo said...

What a wonderful giveaway!!
Thank you!!

Becky said...

Be still my heart! These are so pretty! Please enter me into your wonderful giveaway. Thanks!

dbkagrayson2002 [at] gmail [dot] com

Lisa said...

Great giveaway!! Please enter me! :)Lisa

Unknown said...

Thank you for the great giveaway & the chance to win!

:) Melissa

Kim Reid said...

Beautiful Heart! Please enter me in your great giveaway - Thank you!

Chris in Oz said...


WOW, this is a wonderful event!!! I'm from Oz the Land Down-Under. It's very nice to 'meet' you. I'm in for my second year and I'm sure I'll be back for more. Oh, I'd love to be entered for your give-away and if you haven't dropped by my blog yet, then please do, I'm #838 in the Gypsy Caravan.



Beadyjan said...

I love your glass hearts and would like to be included.

Have you entered my OWOH draw yet? I'm #441 and you can contact me through my blog should I be lucky enough to win.

Banna said...

Please enter me in your give away and if you have not already run over to my blog and enter mine.

Banna said...

Please enter me in your give away and if you have not already run over to my blog and enter mine.

Connie said...

please enter me in your beautiful bead giveaway!...and come enter mine!
connie williams

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

Nice, and I have to check out your etsy shop too!

KKJD1 said...

Beautiful Pendant! Please include me in your giveaway. Thanks Karen

KV said...

Lovely, lovely prize! Come visit my blog for a giveaway treat, too.

Kathy V in NM

Aleda said...

The pendant is lovely, you do beautiful work.

Thanks for having a giveaway!

Jax said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in and if you haven't already, swing by my give away, too! #321

jamaise said...

Very cool bead :)) Please count me in :)) #873

Unknown said...

Please enter me in your drawing for this gorgeous heart pendant!
I'd love for you to stop by and check out my giveaway, if you haven't already. Only 1 day left!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Very pretty, please include me in your giveaway.

Thanks so much!!

glamgirl said...

What a lovely heart - please tner me for the draw.
Tae care and if you have time pop on by to my OWOH giveaway - I'm 555 on the list

Michelle said...

Hi, nice to "meet" you. I'd love to be entered into the drawing for your amazing giveaway. I'm off to pop around your blog a little more. Once again, lovely to "meet" you. :-)


techyone said...

beautiful beads

Sheila Hickmon said...

Great Giveaway!!! Please enter me!
hawkgirl_16 at hotmail dot com

Deborah said...

So I can enter twice? Cool! Please add me to your giveaway list.

Pamela said...

i do so love glass. i especially love anything that smacks of chocolate. this is lovely.

Michaele Sommerville said...



tisme said...

I am entering on both your blogs, because I love that heart!

Anonymous said...

The heart pendant is very beautiful. I like the purples and the swirls effect. A silver tone chain would be nice, if ever. Just beautiful.

Nelsby said...

I just love the philosophy of the OWOH event. Thanks so much for YOUR generous giveaway. I would be thrilled to win!
awaerhouse at gmail dot com

ArtNomadix said...

Nice to meet you thru your blog, I will have to come back here and read more, when I 'find' time ! lol,

If you get time please visit mine at OWOH #878

Love, Light, and Rainbows ......Megg
From Down Under,
where many of my friends are, and have been caught up in the recent Fire Storms !
Our Down Under Etsy Street Team DUST has organised a Bush Fire Fundraiser, see here

Unknown said...


Thanks for your generosity and please enter my Giveaway: There's still time...

KJ - California