California most definitely has different seasons. My mother in Louisiana has been marveling about the 40 degree weather we've had while things are much warmer there.
We are in the heart of fall. The few Christmases I've been lucky enough to stay home have always found me Godsmacked at the sudden beauty of trees that decide to decorate themselves for the holiday. Every street is awash with brilliant gold and red leaves.

The winds come and force leaves still clinging to their brethren on the vine to fall, creating a luxurious carpet of color.
And while I love the crunching sound underneath my feet as I hike along the area known locally as Walden Pond, the absence of leaves on the shrubs saddens me and makes me feel exposed in an area where I normally love feeling hidden from the world.
This spot runs parallel to the Angeles National Golf Club - Hole #3, to be precise. And why does it matter if the golfers can see me? Because it takes away the fun I have with them when they don't know I'm there.
A golfer will swing a mighty drive, trying desperately to get his ball across the arroyo to the hole and yells at the top of his lungs, "FORE!!" And I, hidden from view by my precious poplar shrubs, simply cannot resist... I yell back, "FIVE!!!" and I wait. Laughter always ensues.
But alas, this is a pleasure that must wait for Spring...

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lol at the golf thing!
Imagine that, colorful leaves at this time of year, when all the leaves here (the ones I haven't raked) are brown. You should have posted a photo!
Holly, I was hoping you'd come along and comment on my crocheted beaded necklace. It was your response I really wanted. I'm glad you think it looks good. It's fun to do and I am glad I made it. But after Christmas I will try my hand at the pattern you sent me.
Have a wonderful holiday. I appreciate you.
Merry Christmas, Holly and Mabel!
Holly, the "fore/five" thing is very funny!
Enjoy your fall colors and have a wonderful Christmas!
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