Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Winter's Bone

This is a Thai Basil. It was given to me by one of my California soul sisters. I thought I had murdered it the first time I saw it in this state. It's a rather amazing plant in that it can look completely dead but... start watering it and it springs back to life.

This time, it wasn't a lack of water but some nights in the upper twenties we had before Christmas.

There is a hint of green here and there... she's still in there, waiting. I can already taste the tomato and mozzarella salads I love to serve with these leaves!


Snowbrush said...

I wonder if it's related to "regular" basil...

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Snow, I'm certain it is... just much taller and a little spicier. That bush is taller than me and so is the mother plant I took it from!

Unknown said...

I love Thai basil!