Tuesday, August 11, 2009


is making me wait!

YES! She got some!


rottrover said...

That would be so GONE at my house! What a good girl!!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Pink, Thanks for stopping by. I came into the kitchen and she was just staring at it! Licking her lips and wishing.

Rott... Mabel stole food ONCE. I punished her by putting her outside on a very hot day while I cooked. When I was ready to eat, I brought her in and make quite a fuss over my steak, explaining the whole time that bad pups NEVER get bites. She's never stolen food and often has to be encouraged to eat when I put a plate in front of her!

Becky said...

She knows what a good cook you are and so do I!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Becky, that's a costco ham...not as good as Trader Joes but...I finally figured out the glazing. I boil it and add it at the last minute as recommended but I take my brush and put the glaze BETWEEN the layers. Oh! so good!