Thursday, July 02, 2009

Another Crappy Product: Sony icfipmk2 ipod Player

When I come across a product that is so poorly made AND I get NO results from the company, I feel it is my duty to warn my friends! And this Sony Ipod player is one such piece of steaming doody!

Model number icfipmk2. The problem is fairly simple: they are selling a clock radio that is incapable of keeping time. I was given this at Christmas. It has never kept the correct time, ever! I have phoned and e-chatted with Sony tech support at least four times in six months. Each time, I am referred to this web page explaining that the clock doesn't keep time. That page doesn't really explain what to do about it...

Tech support has walked me through resetting the battery... and the clock got slower. And that battery is pricey! I really don't get why I need a battery in my clock if it's plugged into the wall... So what if the power goes off?

After six months of this, I'm done. Sony wants me to pay $20 bucks to get a refurbished exchange model. Gee, when the new one didn't work? NOT!

Instead, the manager at Sam's Club is going to allow us to exchange it! Good riddance! And if you need a clock radio for your ipod, go with another brand!


Anonymous said...

Hi Holly and happy 4th! I was glad you left a comment because I've been trying to get switched over to my netbook for the internet and getting my favorites back up as messages come in. Now you are back and I can keep up again!

I hope you and the dear pup have a good day today...Carmon

Snowbrush said...

Good for Sam's Club. Such customer friendliness is one reason I like Costco.

Donna C said...

:lol: "piece of steaming doody" :lol:

You're too funny Miss Holly :)