Monday, June 01, 2009

No Comment

I feel like I need to take a break. I have too much on my plate and not enough hours in my day and this blog is becoming one more thing on my to do list. It's not that I don't enjoy's that I hate not getting comments. And the bloggers I started out reading barely post any more...or if they post, they no longer comment on my blog.

I wish that comments didn't matter... but they do. Otherwise, I feel like I'm just talking to myself and I do enough of that already.

And the fact of the matter is...I desperately need a job - well I have job. I need a way to make a living. And until I can find one, I feel I should concentrate on my business blogs. At least maybe they will help me sell something, either my jewelry or writing skills.

I don't know if I can keep my fingers "shut" for long...I've grown accustomed to this venue. But maybe I will channel that energy in returning to my writer's group. At least the feedback there is instant.

In the meantime, just know that the little creekhiker and I are on the trails...


Snowbrush said...

I will come here and read. I am sorry I haven't been doing so more. My problem is that my followers list doubled in a short time, and I was trying to follow all of my followers. This meant that a lot of the ones I valued most got overlooked, while I was spending a lot of time reading whatever posts were most recent regardless of whether I enjoyed them much or not.

I dropped two blogs that I follow yesterday, and I will probably drop more, because I don't want blogging to become a unpaid job that I don't even enjoy anymore. I want to read and be read, not necessarily by people who agree with me, but by people whom I interest and in whom I am interested. This thing of wanting to pile up a long list of followers is hooey.

Anonymous said...

I've let my own blog slide. It's summer, there's yard work to do, and I'm just too dang tired to concentrate on composing a readable post. I'll post if I have something to say. Don't stay away too long, I enjoy your posts!

Anonymous said...

Hi CH, I've only ever left one comment on your blog, which is going some since I've never left a comment on any of the blogs I read. You don't always say the safe or popular thing, but you say what you think and maybe that's why yours is one of the first I read on any given day. My lack of comment is personal preference, although twice now, I've felt moved to reach out to you. I wish you and 'lil Mabel Lou all the best and I will check back now and then to see if you've popped in to say hi...

Anonymous said...

Hi Holly - I stop by almost everyday but I'm not a big comment leaver either. I have especially appreciated your stories about the creek people. You've given homeless people faces and identities which I think is an important thing. Enjoy your break and I hope you feel like writing again soon! Carmon

Ginger said...

Hi Holly
If you need a break then you will feel better if you take one, for sure Honey!! I don't have my own blog but i do read many. I found yours through the love of your beautiful Beads!! You are so talented;)
i am a sad girl right now,because you have a crazy awesome Bead Sale going on right now, and hubby said not right now Ahhh;)
Good Luck with Everything
I look forward to visiting again
Good Luck with everything !!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Ginger, Come visit any time! Thanks for your comments on my necklace!