Friday, March 23, 2007

she's still working...

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mabel lou here... my mom is sad cause she doesn't have time to blog. taxes keeping her busy. but she is still taking me to the creek every day and finding time to try and photograph that flock of blue chickens with big tails. this morning she laid on the sofa for almost an hour reading a book... she always resorts to reading brian andreas when she needs a good laugh. i think doing too many taxes makes her need to laugh.

anyway, i thought i would check in and keep her blog going. before all you folks out there start commenting on what a talented dog i am, figuring out how to use the computer and blog, let me just explain what is pretty much my life's motto and the reason I get away with can do so much: i'm mabel lou, i'm cute and i can.

oh, and sorry about the no caps thing but i don't have any thumbs. mom'll be back real soon.


Anonymous said...

OMG! You are as smart as you are good-looking! Tell Mom to enjoy her break and not over-tax!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

why thank you jackie. I would say you are very intelligent too...for a cat lover.

Linda@VS said...

Mabel, who knew you had these skills? Perhaps your mom could help you set up your own blog...maybe an advice column for other dogs and their concerned owners. That seems to be a need that nobody's filling at this time.

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

velvet, first of all, i could set up my own blog right by myself. and i do have lots of advice. how to get more cookies, how to tell your human they are working too long on the computer, how to use your cuteness to your advantage - work it doggie, work it.

but keeping up a blog is so time consuming and i have stuff to do. today it is beautiful here and mom didn't take me to the creek right after our breakfast outing, so i have to keep reminding her all day that we need to go. that and take a few naps by the pool to keep that squirrel out of the yard.

but maybe, i'll highjack mom's blog from time to time.

in the meantime, when are you ever going to tell us some more butch and kadi stories? or even lucy and winston? i like it when my mom reads to me about them. they sound like a fun bunch.