Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Audacity...

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Just when I think dealing with my crazy customers and art students is a pain...

My cousin who works for the major power company in the South was working in a subdivision near Cortana Mall in Baton Rouge. He and his crew had been called to repair the power to the house of an elderly school teacher at 2 a.m.

His crew parked in her driveway and went to work. She blocked their trucks in her driveway with her car and proceeded to yell at them for parking in her driveway. They repaired her power and she refused to move her car. These men are on overtime, away from their families in the middle of the night and this crazy woman won't let them leave... all because they parked in her driveway???!!!

She proceeded to call several news stations, wanting a camera crew to come out and was informed this was not newsworthy. She called the police, who informed her SHE was the one committing the crime as she was essentially holding the electric crews hostage!

She cursed out several of the guys... I know my cousin's crews... these are hardworking, family men. My cousin was the only one she would speak to (I think this is due to us being born so late in our parents lives... we relate very well to older folks.). She really wanted money for them "invading her privacy."

Personally, I would've turned her power back off and said "As long as you keep my trucks blocked, we're going to triple the time you are out of power."

But my cousin called the supervisor who called the Baton Rouge police who took hours to show up and chew out the old lady and make her move her car.

My cousin returned home at 5:30... just in time to cook breakfast and take his kids to school. UGH! I really admire him and his work crew... they get into some crazy situations and put their lives and health at risk constantly...all to keep the power on for others.


Anonymous said...

Why is it that is seems those kind of things only happen in the south? Being originally from Texas, I used to be profoundly embarressed by the constant bizzare news about Texans. Carmon

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Oh Carmon, I've worked in the film industry... this kind of thing is rampant in LA... but then, that is SOUTHERN California. As soon as people see a film crew in the neighborhood, they all "suddenly" need to mow their grass cause they know they'll get money.

I myself once chewed out a film crew for running their generator all night and claimed I needed a hotel room and one that would take a dog. As luck would have it, I was on a writing deadline and ended up staying up all night working. I ended up pocketing the hotel money.

Linda@VS said...

We do seem to have more than our fair share of eccentrics here in South Louisiana. Maybe the heat--or the spicy food--sizzles a few brain synapses. I, of course, am perfectly sane.sane.sane.sane.sane.

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Now Velvet, You are way more sane than the average Boudreaux and Thibideaux!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just can't believe this! People constantly amaze me. Wouldn't you just think she'd have been so grateful to just have someone care about her problem and come out in the middle of the night!? Your cousin is a saint. I'd have 'moved' her car - with the truck!

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Jackie, Me too!