Monday, November 03, 2014

The Magical Orange Balls

I know I mentioned finding forty odd balls during our beach trip. That doesn't mean they all got the paws of approval from Miss Macy Blue and her best pal Otto Rotto! Oh no!

There were hard balls and baseballs (Are you kidding us?) There were soggy nerf balls and sponge balls (Ewwww!) There were soccer balls and volley balls (Too big!) There were tennis balls which all got played with...

But none can compare to the magical orange balls! There were two. The one you see with the lines on it was a plastic squeaker ball.

But there was one that they spent most of the beach outing with. Besides being orange, it was covered in tennis ball material and appeared to have once had a rope. It was about 4" in diameter with was great for Mr. Otto and Miss Big Jowls. And it squeaked!

Oh what joy it brought!

I just loved when Otto had it in his mouth and would look behind him to see if Macy was chasing him.

Macy took great delight in tearing it's skin off...

But alas, we lost it when a certain girl dropped it and we were several "blocks" away from it when she showed her distress.

I am now searching for the ONLY object I've ever seen Macy play with... Any thoughts???


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Sorry, no ideas here...but those pictures sure are cute!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

rottrover said...

What a day! Great pictures ☺️

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The one with the lines on it looks a bit like a basketball. Sometimes you can find those squeakers in the baby department in the little toys area. We had some once with a basketball, soccer ball, and football. Of course, they had to be orange - for Halloween weekend.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

KB said...

What an awesome day!! All those balls... Perhaps Macy would like a squeaky tennis ball (even if it hasn't yet been soaked in the ocean)!!!

I wonder if having Otto there, also interested in the balls, was part of why Macy was interested?

Mollie said...

You are at my favorite place and with balls. Wez back and have mizzed you xxxxxoxxxx

Mollie and Alfie