Sunday, November 30, 2014

It All Comes to a Grinding Halt

Well, I had expected life to come to grinding halt tomorrow...when I was supposed to have surgery on my torn labrum in my shoulder. Instead, it went into some kind of limbo halt on Friday.  Black Friday was an ocean day for us... a last chance to run and breathe and play before surgery and Christmas and company.

These photos of Macy Blue - bringing three running dogs and three trotting humans to a complete halt feel a lot like my life right now!  But sometimes, distractions happen!

Yes, you can be trotting along having fun - or frantically cleaning your artsy fartsy house before you won't be able to - when something distracts you. Or your doctor. 

 When that happens, there's nothing you can do but go with it! Good friends can't really help much. They have to stand back and let you do what you gotta do!

Even if it takes a while... 

A long while. Sometimes, you just have to wait... and wait. 

And maybe even wait some more... My doc has his reasons for cancelling and I understand. And we just couldn't reschedule over a holiday weekend...sigh.

I haven't been reading sorry. Housecleaning is exhausting with one overworked good arm and one painfully decorative arm! And the time change still has me loopy...wanting bed at 7 pm and up at 3! I imagine we'll catch up after surgery...whenever that is!


Millie and Walter said...

Sorry to hear your surgery was postponed and you aren't feeling well otherwise. It looks like you and Macy had a great time at the beach though.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Life sure does suck for you. Here's hoping the surgery is rescheduled very soon, like asap!!! Mom says Snowbrush has some great suggestions for you, especially the gel packs. You can even get one that will wrap over the top of your shoulder and around your neck. Mom says they were the best thing for her broken arm.

Macey sure looks like she was having fun - nice that you have her for a distraction:)

Feel better.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

easyweimaraner said...

seems the time before christmas isn't easy no matter on which side of the big pond. I hope you can easy the pains a little while you wait for your surgery.
Send you a bucket of good thoughts and Weimaraner-power.
Easy Rider

rottrover said...

Hey! I'm waitin' for my toy, girlfriend!!
