Saturday, March 22, 2014

Mutt Mitt - Piece of $h17!

Now that our rugged trails have new signs declaring them a "park," someone comes around from the rangerdangers and puts out poop bags. They are made by a company called Mutt Mitts and they are worse than crap!

They are apparently made to be biodegradable but I think that's what makes them worthless! Usually by the time we get to end of a box, they are falling apart! Imagine scooping poop with this:

See that torn side seam? It's like that on both sides!

Even worse, all the little bits stick to everything!

Mutt Mitts do not do the job they were intended to do and if you hike around here...BYOB!

Creekhiker was not asked to review crappy Mutt Mitts but did so out of sheer frustration!


Millie and Walter said...

Your disclaimer at the end cracked me up.

Ruby said...

Oh my!! Ma said you might as well use your hand!!! Ewwwwww!
I loved your disclaimer too!! hehehe
Ruby ♥

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Ooh my doggies, we will stay away from dose bags fur sure. :) BYOB is great advice!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great review - stupid rangers - those bags look pathetic. Mom uses the plastic sleeves the newspapers come in - perfect size for slipping the hand inside and then turning inside out full of poop:)

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

The Daily Pip said...

Oh gosh, looks like they are making even more of a mess than regular bags. That's too bad because there are some decent biodegradable bags out there that actually work.

Ruby (and Angel Pip)

Dexter said...

Well, yuck. Good idea, but poor execution.
