Monday, August 06, 2012

Mabel Lou at 16 Months

As I've been traveling through my massive collection of photographs, I'm seriously shocked at how few pics of Puppy Lou that I have. Aside from the fact that I seemed to be way more photographically interested in a book I was writing at the time, HOW did I, a person who has shot thousands of photos a year since the age of 16, not take more pics of my cute puppy?

I'm afraid my answer is brutally honest: I simply didn't like her that much! My heart was aching from losing the dog that had saved my life. And I had NEVER owned a puppy! Mabel drove me NUTS! And I apparently went months and months on end without a single photo of her! I so wish I could time travel! I would go back to the summer of 2002 and kick myself in the behind!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Even just that one is awesome. The memories are in your heart too:). Mom says she could say the same about Lightning - he is a sweet but very challenging boy!!!

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

24 Paws of Love said...

I went through the same thing with Brut when my older dog Alex died. I can't believe I didn't get more pictures of him, but at the time I just remember my heart hurting so much...

So I learned to treasure the pics I have. And like the OP Pack said the memories are always there, inside of you to carry forever. :)

The Daily Pip said...

We adopted Pip when he was 4 or 5. I so wish we could see what he looked like as a puppy.

It takes a long time to heal from losing one's heart dog - and to let another dog in when you still grieve the one who's gone.

rottrover said...

Mabel, you were gorgeous! I'm giving your butt an extra sniff next time I see you!! Ruby will just have to deal :-)

Bart, tmiditw