Last night, the BFF dropped off some of her fabulous ribs.... a dish I would normally share with Mabel. But, since her recent illness coincided with her bringing a strange rib bone home and puking, I decided to only give her meat. NO bones.
She was happy with the meat but kept looking at the plate of bones. So I got up and discarded them in the kitchen trashcan. As soon as I had gotten comfortable in the living room, building kits for my classes, Mabel started digging deep into her toy box. At the very bottom was a very sharp, pointy marrow bone, long-since licked clean.
She took it to her bed and proceeded to break off many nice long shards. When that didn't phase me, she started to eat them! I dug out the foil I had wrapped those rib bones in and negotiated a trade. Mabel was quite proud of herself!
After she ate a few bones (no tummy trouble either!), she started her usual schtick of wanting to be on the sofa with me. As I was counting tiny little crystals and knew I was going to get up and work on my taxes (thus losing MY spot on the sofa), I told her "no" repeatedly. Which turned into "NO!!!"
Hours later when I was done with my work, I sat on the sofa and patted her spot, indicating that she could join me. She got up from her bed -- and turned around to face the door!
I wonder if the Dog Whisperer offers couples counseling?