The Rottrover kept telling me how much the ocean changed Otto Rotto and I can honestly say it's changed Macy Blue as well.
I must admit, I was a bit afraid of taking her. She hates the pool in spite of several of her friends coming over to enjoy it this brutal summer. Could she / would she swim? And more importantly, how would a dog who had been ignored and abused react to the expectations of her staying with the pack? And coming when called?

The little girl dove right in like she had been an ocean dog all her life. I've since realized, she prefers to barge headlong into things she knows nothing about. Oceans, ponds, cactus or the hallway, she needs to be in front, figuring it out as she goes. Even if that means she struts along looking behind her for some indication on my face as to where she should be going! OY!

But with Otto and Wizard to show her the ropes, she was, for the most part, fine. Otto is teaching her to play. And Wizard reminds them both to be kind to smaller dogs in his own gentle way. He herds the herding dogs! I've also learned that Macy is a very social dog... she wants to meet every dog on the beach - whether they want to meet her or not! So, she spent a lot of that first trip on her leash, longing:
She was a bit more relaxed and listened much better by her second trip, above and below.
These next few are from our most recent trip. I just love Wizard's hair flying:
My happy girl running toward - not away - from her pack:
It occurred to me that as of the date of this trip, Macy Blue had lived with me as long as she was in doggie jail. I think that maybe, she's starting to realize this new life is here to stay.