I've made it no secret that I love Macy Blue far more than I know she loves me. I loved her the instant I saw her soulful eyes on the Internet. When we still weren't best buds at the one year mark, I started to fear that this dog may never love me. But a convo with the therapy dog handler at the high school made me realize that all Macy has been through makes her need more time. Plus... how do you live somewhere for THREE YEARS, end up in a shelter, get adopted for three days each, three more times and then expect the new place with the new weird lady is permanent?? No wonder my girl is so blue...

She's made progress. A lot of it is thanks to Sue living here. Macy would always stop at the back door even if we were side by side... I'd get in the house and realize she's sitting there not sure if she should come in. She holds her potties from 5 pm until 10 or 11 the next morning! Even though I take her out, and keep her between me and the door, she's so afraid of being locked out, she'd rather be uncomfortable. Toys and play time were a mystery.
But Sue... Our beloved Sue passed away in November peacefully at her new Portland home. But she remains Macy's greatest teacher! And I don't think we'd be where we are today without Sue's loving training!
I've known and loved Sue since she was a pup. And the first time she came over, she, her brother Hank and Mabel all made themselves comfy in my bed as Mabel showed them around! I live in a big dog house...there is very little off limits. But Macy Blue had been here 15 months when Sue moved in and she still didn't get it. Macy would pause at the back door and Sue would simply walk around her and come on in. Sue would sleep on the sofas, climb in my bed and come up to me and demand some affection. Sue grew up being treated as an equal. Macy would stare at Sue in astonishment... You walked in the back door! And Mom doesn't seem to mind...
Macy took it all in. But she didn't change...yet.
There was the day that I started getting texts at work...Macy has cleaned out the toy box... and she's playing with toys! Macy loved playing with Sue and seemed to get it when Sue naturally included me and her mom in the games. Oh.... we all play together....hmmmm.
When they left for Portland, Macy and I were both so sad, I took her to the store and bought her a bunch of her own toys. Since she didn't play, she only had one that wasn't Mabel's... and it had been deaded by Macy and Sue. And she let me play with her ... a little bit.
But this past week, it all shifted...in the weirdest way! It started a when for the first time ever, I remembered the school has a late start on Tuesdays. I had more morning time at home with my girl! I was walking from the kitchen to the living room and gave Macy a gentle scruff pinch. I do this to all the dogs and think nothing of it. But Macy screamed so loud and so hard! She always seems certain I'm trying to murder her! I dropped to my knees to offer her comfort, she rolled over and pissed herself! I petted her, I cleaned the floor and spent the day alternating between tears for my sad girl and anger at whoever made her this way!
Momma did not get mad at the pee on the floor...hmmmm.
And just like that, she came up to me a few nights ago and... she wanted me to play with her! She brought a toy! I got on the floor and we played for an hour straight. She even allow me to chase her around the kitchen and living room! And we've played every night since!
But that's not all!! I have gotten a full on sofa cuddle and she even allowed me to hold her!!! She slept in my lap! I've not gotten one of these without fireworks in the neighborhood!
And friends have noticed too... she comes up to them willingly to offer a greeting or to get pets! And, with lots of treats, she is FINALLY opting for a potty break before bed. She knows, no potty, no cookie! And she even asks to go out early in the morning without me walking all the way in the yard...is she trusting that she won't be locked out??? I pray this is permanent...that my girlie is starting to trust and know that she is loved!
Just a reminder of the contest going on to guess
Macy's lineage. Please comment on that post.