Sunday, March 29, 2015


That sums up our week. So sorry I haven't been reading blogs...there's just no time! I hate this time of year when our government has the audacity to make us sit down and analyze our financial lives to prove we can actually keep the fair share of the money we earned.  And like the ED boys I teach... I spend more time dreading it than the time it takes to actually DO the taxes!

But first the good news....
Macy Blue PLAYED!!! With a toy!!! AND with her Auntie! I haven't mentioned it here but, Macy got skunked last week...that's a whole 'nother Creekhiker! But I gave her a toy skunk for her Barkday...just rolled in tissue. NO tape; No string! I didn't want to terrorize her again!

She was confounded...

but finally opened it.
She moved it around the house...but never when I could see her do it. So I picked it up and made her jealous! Yes, folks! The Baby Game LIVES! I told her what a nice stuffie she was and how much I loved her and that it made me so happy to rub her tum and kiss her. Miss Macy was watching with those big roving eyes!

I came back into the living room a bit later and the stuffie was being tossed about, partially disemboweled. Squeaker eaten!!!

Then her Auntie came over and was rough housing with her. I  fussed at my friend... "You can't do that! You're scaring her!!!! She runs away from Auntie Rottrover for doing that!"

To which my friend kept right on scaring Macy! She would allow her to run away, then call her back... and Macy CAME! She would rough house with her... and Macy would run...but not as far. Call her back and she came... tail wagging!!! Macy figured out this rough housing was a GAME!!! And I learned not to be so afraid of my frightened dog!

And then the weird... I got punched this week! One of my boys was having a tantrum and my face almost got in the way, but I ducked... Still processing the potentially violent part of my new job! But still, I've never had a teaching gig I love more! Weird huh??

Lawsuit city...
I was home for Macy's Barkday because I'm suing my tenants of 17 years at my condo. It seems they've stopped paying rent, which is my primary source of income! Thank goodness for the teaching gig. What makes it harder for me is... I only got my first flat screen tv about two years ago... every other tv is a big ole tube style that works just fine, thank you! My car is 17 years old. I don't take vacations and I don't have nice parties...

But my tenants have at least four flat screens that I know of. He drives a Mercedes and had a new Harley just a few years ago (the result of Manopause!) She left a good job to start a MLM business and now has no car "for her daughter to live in!"  But the one she did have was newer than mine. They threw a blow out party for the daughter's birthday and just went on a nine day cruise to the Caribbean...but they can't pay rent???  The first bill I pay is MY rent... I can do without everything else...but the rent will get paid.

And after taking a day off... making the same boy who hit me on Tuesday cry when he learned I would be gone... and losing a pay bump that would come in three more days of consecutive work, my tenant did not show up to court... and the cycle resets! It's a delay tactic! GRRRRRR.

And don't get me started on the fire they caused...

And the creepy.... 
I don't water my front yard... drought and all. I have a catch basin in the sink and use the gray water to take care of my roses and my lemon tree. I tossed a bowl of water on the tree and noticed my neighbor's daughter in law yelling. I thought that unusual...she's a quiet girl!  Suddenly my neighbor was running up my walk with a bag!

Turns out when I tossed that water, if frightened a man lying under my dwarf tree, picking my lemons and the DIL had seen him... but not me and that's why she was screaming!

I went flying down the street, barefoot still in my nightie! I confronted this asshat, who has stopped to size up my other neighbor's fruit trees!

 "I'm sowwy. I don't speaka da English!" was all he would say. I proceed to scream at him, calling him a liar and a thief. "I'm sowwy. I don't speaka da English!" I then asked him if he understood a very blue word that is not favored by the Armenian culture, turned on my heels and came home.

Thinking of him being four feet away from me and not knowing it.... just scared the crap out of me. I wanted to know more about him. I got some shoes and pants and the dog and we jumped in the car... we followed him around the block about as stealthily as a thunderstorm and finally realized he was parked on the corner by my house...the trip around the block was a ruse!

I took photos and even followed him until he was speeding down a mountain road. Of course the cops will do nothing... but if I knew who he was I would take him to small claims for a new mature dwarf lemon tree for my back yard!

My old tree is strewn all over the front yard. The remaining lemons are at the bestie's and various neighbors. He had taken 1/3 of my crop and had another bag to fill but got interrupted. I'm working on the root ball. I'm fed up with getting around 3 lemons a year and I really don't ever want to be that close to someone robbing me and not know it!

Here's is license plate if you happen to be a neighbor:

 So now that I've got all this out of my system... maybe I can think about taxes... see ya on the flip side or the 15th...whichever comes first!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

My Day?

Hello good pups and peeps of Blogville! Macy Blue here.

My momma lady person keeps telling me today is MY day. I'm apparently four today. It was never something I was told about before...I was in jail on my last I'm most perplexed about her dancing around and singing ( she really shouldn't sing..she lacks my range!)

But she says I will have a pressie to open again...I'm still not sure I've recovered from having to open one at Christmas.  And she has promised me time with my beloved bone...

And best of all, we get to got out for a hamburger this weekend! Now that I can get behind!

This is me and my pal Ruby of Rottrover's at my very first hamburger Black and Tan ladies lunch! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Something Silly

Between my 20 day gig teaching emotionally challenged boys, a lawsuit on my rental property and taxes.... I feel like I have to remind myself to take a breath! There is no time for anything extra lately... like beadmaking.

But I thought I would share my favorite recent bead. It's not perfect and that wasn't the point. I've always wanted to make myself a rottweiler. But I really had no idea where to begin. A few months back I signed up for a workshop on critter beads with Judy Carlson. I wanted to take the class to be able to sculpt some of the more requested beads for the kids in the Beads of Courage Program... it's a charity that allows kids facing life challenging illness to be able to tell the story of their medical journey in beads.

At the end of class, Judy pushed me to try a rott and I did! It was one of the hardest beads I've made because black glass and mahogany glass both look identical in the flame!!! But I did it and I love him!!!

I have no plans or desires to be a dog bead artist...there are plenty of good ones out there...but this one is perfect for me!!

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Product Review: Evanger's Freeze Dried Beef Tongue

Hello there good peeps and pups of Blogville. Macy Blue here. I'm back for another review on behalf of

Momma has been one sick puppeh lately so I had to prod her a bit to get this done! O.K. Momma, stop whining about being on Death's doorstep and get this box open!

Chewy sent us Evanger's Freeze Dried Beef Tongue. Mom tried to take a picture of the box of tongues...but MY tongue kept  getting in the way! Tee Hee! Open 'em open 'em!!! Openopenopen!!!

Momma, I think I'm going nutballs crazy!!!! Gimme!!!

Oh yummy nom nom nom!!

Those were deeeeelish Momma!!! I know you like the peeps to know about the ingredients so take it away Momma! I'm just gonna keep hoovering the ground:

Creekhiker here: I'm a long time fan of Evanger's products  having discovered their very affordable and top quality canned food in our locally owned pet shop. But I had never seen these treats and hadn't even noticed them on Chewy's website even though we regularly buy their Grain Free Jerky Treats there.  I'm always impressed by the quality and the price. And the Freeze Dried Beef Tongue Treats are no exception. 

Here are the ingredients from Chewy: Beef Tongue.  THAT'S IT!

My ONE caveat: these are very "fragrant." You KNOW they are in the house. I  say this while having a nasty head cold. I can't smell much!   I had to put the plastic box inside a zip top bag just to keep BOTH of us from going nutballs crazy!

As usual, Macy Blue gets the final word. 

Thanks Momma... what else is there to say?? I LOVE 'EM!!

Macy Blue would give Eveanger's Freeze Dried Beef Tongue eight paws up if she could! I give it two thumbs up and one closed nose!

Neither Creekhiker nor Macy Blue were compensated for this review. Mr Chewy sent one box of Evanger's Freeze Dried Beef Tongue Treats for Macy Blue to devour... or not.

Monday, March 02, 2015

Why Did I Want A Sofa Dog Again?

Three days ago, without rhyme or reason, Macy decided she was an affectionate girl! Only once has she run from me while petting her! She's come up on the sofa and sought my hand. She's stayed for longer and longer times. And tonight, she has cuddled with me on the sofa all evening for only the second time in nine months!

 I don't know what brought this on...

We had an insane weekend. Our hiking buddy, Buster got trapped high up a mountain ridge for about 30 freezing rain. The whole pack had quite the adventure rescuing him - he's home safe now!  And Macy was up on the mountain once with me during one of the rescue attempts. 

I don't know if it was seeing my concern for her buddy or feeling how very upset I was, but suddenly, she's far more loving! And I'm eating it up for as long as it lasts - even if it means I have sit hanging off the sofa!